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A Simple Approach to Managing a Crisis

Author: George Haralampopoulos

Category: Influential Leadership

Crises are a part of life. They happen during the peaks and valleys of our professional and personal paths and endeavors. Managing a crisis can be a complex and timely process that may involve a number of people. On an individual level, however, there is a simple three-step process that can help navigating through one easier and with better chances for creating a positive outcome.



When a crisis occurs our natural tendency is to automatically want to react. Resist the urge to react – do nothing. By pausing, you begin to create a “reaction-free, safe space” between the occurrence of the event and the time when you are ready to respond.


Are you experiencing strong, negative emotions as a result of the crisis? When this happens, logic takes a back seat, as our strongest urge is wanting to react, rather than respond to the situation, rationally and intelligently. This is normal because our brains are wired in a way that we first feel, rather than think.

Being reactionary instead of thoughtful and responsive, not only reduces our chances for creating a positive outcome, but may also hurt people and harm relationships along the way. It’s imperative that we begin to balance our emotional state.

What resources and tools have you used in the past in order to reduce negative emotions and get into a more positive state of mind? Make sure that you tap into them.


Now that you have created a “reaction-free, safe space” and feel more balanced emotionally, you can begin to take a “higher view perspective” observing the situation before crafting your respons and course of action, rationally.

Crises are a part of life. They happen during the peaks and valleys of our professional and personal paths and endeavors. Next time you experience one, try remembering to…

Pause, Balance and then Respond

You will be more likely to navigate through it easier and to experience a positive outcome. And like a wise person once said, remember that

“Every crisis carries with it an equivalent seed of opportunity.”

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thomas chiaravalli
3 years ago

easier said than done good reminder George!

George Haralampopoulos
George Haralampopoulos
3 years ago

For sure not easy, Tom. Yet, doable over time.

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