Category: Personal Growth
When I share this insight in my professional and personal development programs with clients, I notice an immediate and positive shift in energy, mindset, and focus…
So, here it is…
One of the best ways to problem solve is based on the Universal Law of Polarity.
Simply put…
For anything to exist, its opposite must be present…
This Law applies in nature, life, science, emotions; positive-negative, action-reaction, north-south, hot cold.
Something that I’ve learned by attending programs in brain and neuroscience is that Polarity even exists within human cells, our neurons.
Here is an insight that that you might find helpful next time that you experience a problem that you can’t solve…
“Every problem has a solution. The solution already exists. If you can’t discover it, walk away. Stop thinking about it and trying to analyze it. The solution will appear when you least expect it.” ~ George Haralampopoulos
Think of a problem you are experiencing (or next time you experience one) that you can’t solve. Simply, handwrite the problem on a notepad. Go about your day.
Relax, and don’t think about it. It’s likely that the solution(s) will appear later in the day, at night or during one of the following days. When this happens, make sure to write the solution(s) down.
All The Best!
If you want to inspire yourself, your sales and business team to grow to the next level of success, you are welcome to send me a direct message: or all my office 248-972-5533
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